First of all, there are two major measures to opening up the sources, desalination and deep well water intake.The west of Israel is close to the Mediterranean Sea, and a lot of sea water will naturally be remembered.海水淡化技术之前我们讲过,这里不再多说(海水怎么喝)。地中海岸的5个大型海水淡化厂,供应了以色列家庭80%的用水。Five large desalination plants on the Mediterranean coast supply 80% of the water used by Israeli households.深井取水是指在沙漠深处钻探取水,目前这项技术,以色列也是世界领先。Deep well water intake refers to drilling deep in the desert to get water. At present, Israel is also the world's leader in this technology.Secondly, two measures to reduce expenditure, recycled water and drip irrigation.对废水进行处理,循环使用,几乎是全球的共识,而以色列有85%的污水得到处理并用于农业灌溉,这一比例全球无出其右。It is almost a global consensus that waste water should be treated and recycled. 85% of waste water in Israel is treated and used for agricultural irrigation, which is unprecedented in the world.通过将水或养料直接滴在植物根部,从而减少水分蒸发浪费和化肥使用量,同时还能使植物更为茁壮生长,产量通常增加100%以上,这就是以色列独步全球的滴灌术。By dripping water or nutrients directly into the roots of plants, the waste of water evaporation and the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced. At the same time, the plants can grow more healthily, and the yield is usually increased by more than 100%. This is Israel's unique global drip irrigation technology。正是大量的再生水和先进的滴灌术使以色列出口的瓜果、蔬菜占据了欧洲40%的市场,这其中有大部分都来自内格夫极度干旱的沙漠地区。The large amount of recycled water and advanced drip irrigation technology that makes Israel's export of melons, fruits and vegetables occupy 40% of the European market, most of which come from the extremely arid desert areas of Negev.除了以色列,其实还有一个小国也是水经济的强国,猜猜是哪个?Besides Israel, there is actually a small country that is also a strong country in water economy. Guess it.