Wishing You Peace and Hope——Refund Policy for Gaza Customer Affected by War


It's late at night, but I can't seem to calm down. Recently, our company received heartbreaking news: a client in Gaza, due to the ongoing conflict, has been forced to flee with two five-year-old children, living a life of constant upheaval.

This client had already paid for their order, and the goods were on the way. Upon hearing this, our boss became very concerned and immediately decided to reach out to the client. After overcoming many obstacles, we finally managed to contact them. Once we understood the situation, our boss made a swift decision—to have the goods returned and to refund the full amount to the client. He also told them, "Keep the money for your survival; we can do business later. Staying alive is what matters most."


Refund Agreement

This incident deeply touched all of us. Living in peace, we work hard but can enjoy moments of calm. Meanwhile, in another part of the world, people face life-threatening dangers every day.


Chatting record with customer

In this uncertain world, we have a simple and sincere wish: May everyone be safe and hold on to hope.
