HJC character story series- Smile run for love.
笑笑是个靓女,操着一口标准的粤语,肤白貌美,口味清淡,爱喝靓汤,外界对广东妹子的所有想象在她身上都能找到。“Smile” is a pretty girl. She speaks standard Cantonese. She is beautiful with white skin and has light taste. She loves to drink delicious soup. All the imagination of the Guangdong girl can be found in her.笑笑和她老公在广东相识,同在一家外贸公司,公司年轻人多,时常出去游山玩水,吃喝闲逛,再加上时不时业务上的一些问题的沟通交流,就这样,一来二往,你侬我侬,情浓意浓,很快就好上了。“Smile” and her husband met in Guangdong province. They are both in a foreign trade company. The company has many young people. They often go out to travel, eat and drink, and also communicate with business issues sometimes. Thus, they fall in love with each other very soon.
两个人,领着不错的薪水,每天的日子是过得轻松快活愉悦,甚是小资。They two live a relaxed and happy life every day, even petty bourgeoisie with a good salary.而娃的到来,提前结束了这一切。笑笑老公在长沙最繁华地段买房安家,据笑笑说,IFS的高楼影响了她家日常晒被子。这里,集齐了长沙最好的教育、医疗及公共资源,回来对娃来说,是最正确的选择。The arrival of the baby ended all this in advance. Smile's husband bought a house in the most prosperous area in Changsha. According to Smile’s description, the tall building of IFS affected her family’s daily life. The best education, medical and public resources in Changsha are gathered here. Come back to Changsha is the most correct choice for the baby.
而对笑笑来说,要从吃白切鸡、肠粉、白灼虾、卤水烧鹅、广式靓汤,切换成臭豆腐、口味小龙虾、辣椒炒肉、剁椒鱼头,牛肉米粉,是个巨大的挑战。习惯了吃菜的原汁原味,刚到长沙,根本接受不了辣椒的火热以及重口味的调料。笑笑偶然从在辣汤锅底涮一涮的吃火锅做法里得出灵感,在外聚餐吃饭,都会备一杯清水,涮一涮。随着入乡随俗多年,笑笑也开始慢慢接受湘菜的灵魂了。While, for Smile, it is a huge challenge to switch from eating white-cut chicken, rice noodles, boiled prawns, broiled goose, and Cantonese style soup, to stinky tofu, flavored crayfish, stir-fried chili meat, minced pepper fish head, and beef rice noodles. She was used to the original taste of the food. It's really very hard to accept the fiery hot pepper and the heavy seasoning when she first arrived in Changsha. Smile occasionally got inspiration from the rinsing pratice when eating the spicy hot pot. When dining out for dinner, she always prepares a glass of water and rinses. As she has been here for many years, Smile has slowly accepted the soul of Hunan Cuisine. 
由南北上,为爱奔走的笑笑,可谓是,若为爱情故,靓汤也可抛;若为孩童故,口味也可改!From the south to the north, Smile is running for love, which can be described as, if it is for love, beautiful soup can be thrown; if it is for children, the taste can also be changed!